There aren’t many qualities that are true of all life on Earth, but the need for water is one of them. It is in all living things, whether they live in the sea or the desert. Water made life possible on Earth. Here are some interesting facts about water that you may or may not know :

Hot water freezes faster than cold water.

The Mpemba effect is the name given to this observation. It states that there exists a set of initial parameters, and a pair of temperatures, such that given two bodies of water identical in these parameters, and differing only in initial uniform temperatures, the hot one will freeze sooner.

The hot water cools faster because of the bigger difference in temperature between the water and the freezer, and this helps it reach its freezing point before the cold water reaches its natural freezing point, which is at least 5°C lower. Also, all the conditions must be controlled, such as the location of the samples in the freezer, and the type of container.

The freezing point is governed by impurities in the water that seed ice crystal formation. Impurities such as dust, bacteria, and dissolved salts all have a characteristic nucleation temperature, and when several are present the freezing point is determined by the one with the highest nucleation temperature. Hence, both the samples must be identical in all aspects, except the initial temperature.

●      There is the same amount of water on Earth as there was when the Earth was formed. The water from your tap could contain the same molecules that dinosaurs drank.

The most common substance found on Earth is water. Water is the only substance found naturally in 3 forms namely : solid, liquid, and gas.

Nearly 97 percent of the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable. Another 2 percent is locked in ice caps and glaciers. That leaves just 1% for all of mankind's  needs – all its agricultural, residential, manufacturing, community, and personal needs.

The amount of water is constant and recycled throughout time. A water molecule stays in the ocean for about 98 years, in ice for 20 months, and in lakes and rivers for two weeks.

Land, water, and air are all part of a deeply interconnected system. What we pour on the ground ends up in our water systems, and what we spew in the atmosphere ends up in our water.

Water regulates the Earth’s temperature. Water also helps in regulating the temperature of our body, it carries nutrients and O2  to our cells, it cushions joints, protects organs and tissues, and removes wastes. It is usually recommended  to drink 6–8 glasses of water each day.

Water makes up 83 percent of our blood, 75 percent of our brain, and 90 percent of our lungs. Overall, our bodies are 70% water.

A tomato is about 95 percent water. An apple, a pineapple, and corn are each 80 percent water. A living tree is about 75%  water.

A person can live about a month without food, but only about a week without water.

Two-thirds of the water your family uses indoors is in the bathroom. About two gallons of water are used when you brush your teeth. Flushing a toilet uses less than two gallons per flush. A 10-minute shower with a water-efficient showerhead uses 25 or less gallons of water.

It takes 3.3 acre-feet of water to grow enough food for an average family for a year.

A leaking tap can waste 100 gallons a day.





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Blog Credits:  Rudraksh Rajput (TY, Metallurgy)(Team Fun Fact Friday)






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