1. Christopher Nolan has said that the snow-based third-level dream was inspired by his favorite James Bond film on her Majesty's Secret Service. 

2. The slow, gloomy, blaring trombones in the main theme of the film score are actually based on an extremely slowed down version of fast,  high pitched trumpets at the beginning of the Édith Piaf song "Non je ne regrette rien" Which is used as a plot device in the film. Furthermore, when music is heard by someone who's currently within a dream, music is perceived as slowed down. Thus the main theme of the film score is almost exactly what the beginning "Non je ne regrette rien" would sound like to a dreamer. This Thematic device is brought to its logical conclusion when the song plays at end of credits. Signaling that the audience is about to wake up from the film. 

3. Joseph Gorden-Levitt went to his audition after a brief character summary, wearing a full suit "just in case" unknowingly matching his character's wardrobe perfectly. 

4. In an effort to combat confusion, television broadcast in Japan includes text in the upper-left corner of the screen to remind reviewers which level of the dream a specific scene takes place in. 

5. If you take the first letters of the names of the main characters Dom, Robert, Eames, Arthur, Mal, and Saito- they spell "Dreams". If you add Peter, Ariadne, and Yusuf, the whole makes " Dreams Pay " which is what they do for mind thief. 

6. When cobb gave Ariadne the puzzle test, Ariadne's final solution was a diagram of king Minos Labrinth. Ariadne's is the name of king Minos daughter in the same mythology. 

7. Not counting flashbacks, Cobb's wedding ring only appears in scenes where he's dreaming. Many times in the film, the scene cuts away just Cobb's left hand comes into view. 

8. According to  Cinematographer Wally Pfister, Warner Brothers executives approached Christopher Nolan about making the film 3D, but he refused the idea, claiming "it will distract the storytelling experience of Inception"

9. Joseph Gorden-Levitt performed all but one of his own stunts during the fight scene in the spinning hallway. 
10. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Christopher Nolan explained that he based roles of the Inception team similar to roles that are used in filmmaking-Cobb is the Director, Arthur is the Producer, Ariadne is Production designer, Eames is the Actor, Saito is Studio, and Fischer is the audience. 'In trying to write team-based creative process, I wrote the one I Know " said Nolan. 

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Blog Credits: Sejal Patil ( FY Mechanical, 112110095)  
                       (Team Fun Fact Friday)






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