Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have a really great role in present times. You might be wondering how it’s affecting the common man? Well, this is really a great quest. Before we move forward let’s get some basic knowledge about AI and ML.


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning(ML) are often used interchangeably, but machine learning is a subset of the broader category of AI. In a simple context, Artificial Intelligence refers to the general ability of computers to emulate human thought and perform tasks in real-world environments while Machine Learning refers to the technologies and algorithms that enable systems to identify patterns, make decisions, and improve themselves through experience and data. 


Computer programmers and software developers enable computers to analyze data and solve problems- essentially they create artificial intelligence systems- by applying tools such as- Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, etc.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is the field of developing computers and robots that are capable of behaving in ways that both mimic and go beyond human capabilities. AI-enabled

programs can analyze and contextualize data to provide information or automatically trigger actions without human interference. Today, artificial intelligence is at the heart of many technologies we use, including smart devices and voice assistants on our mobile devices.

Levels of AI

Basically, there are 4 Types OR Levels of AI

  • Reactive Machines:

The system is trained to do a particular task OR group of tasks. This level of AI doesn't have the ability to learn.

Example:- a voice assistant,

Speaker: What is your name?

Assistant: BINOD

Speaker: why are you reading this blog?

Assistant: BINOD

In short, the above assistant is programmed such that it will only reply BINOD whenever it gets input.

  • Limited Memory:

It stores Incoming data, data about actions, and Decisions taken. Then it analyses stored data to learn and improve over time. This is the most advanced AI developed till now. For example, self-driving vehicles have to analyze all the outcomes and move safely, virtual voice assistance has to give answers to various questions, sometimes useful and sometimes when we just have fun with it.

Example:- Full fledged voice assistant like Google assistant, Alexa, Siri.

  • Theory of MInd:

Currently, it is a theoretical type of AI that has not yet been achieved. The terminology comes from Psychology, and at this level, AI would begin to understand human thoughts and emotions.

  • Self-awareness:

In this level AI have human-level consciousness, aware of themselves as being in the world with similar desire and emotions as humans. Currently, this level is just Science Fiction.

AI Services

AI Services can be classified as Vertical AI which performs just one job and Horizontal AI which is able to handle multiple tasks.

Further Machine learning and Deep learning are subsets of AI,

What is Machine Learning?

Well, this is the most interesting subset of Artificial Intelligence. This subcategory of AI uses algorithms to automatically learn insights and recognize patterns from data, applying that learning to make increasingly better decisions.

By studying and experimenting with machine learning, programmers test the limits of how much they can improve the perception, cognition, and action of a computer system.

Types of Machine Learning Algorithms

Primary types of machine learning algorithms are,

  • Supervised Learning:

Training datasets are provided then it analyses the data and produces an inferred function. 

  • Unsupervised Learning

Data provided is unclustered instead of datasets, in this correct solution of any problem is not provided and algorithm itself finds patterns in data without any supervision.

  • Reinforcement Learning

This type of learning is really different from the other types. In this, the computer program or computer algorithm which has to perform the task is rewarded with negative or positive results.

The importance and dependence of AI and ML

This has become a very important tool for Cloud Computing and eCommerce, and is being used in a variety of cutting edge technologies. Today, many Tech-Giants and even small companies and businesses depend upon AI to manage and organise the vast amounts of data they collect. Well, Data Analytics and Data Management is entirely ruled by AI in today’s world. This Age is of ‘DATA’ . This is the beginning of this legacy. In the near future we will be having Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). This would be a great revolution. The AGI is still a hypothetical concept which is yet to emerge but it’s goal is to understand or learn any intelligent task that a human being can. It is the primary goal of some Artificial Intelligence research and a common topic in science fiction and future studies. AGI can also be referred to as strong AI

Besides, It will also govern local communities in the near future and is also going to be used by many governments to make some more important decisions. This AGI will give birth to the Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) which is far more beyond the capabilities of  AGI.

It will also surpass Human Intelligence and Human Ability to solve problems. 

"Everyone's GANGSTER until AI enters"

Machine Learning has a great influence in Marketing and Sales, Transportation, Financial Services, Oil and Gas (Energy) and many more ahead. From ordering our favourite products from Amazon (Inc.) to asking random stuff to our Google Assistant, AI and ML are collectively working together to deliver results to us. It has helped to travel to  the Moon, Space and also on the rovers that took us to Mars. 

In the field of Medical Sciences, there have been many machine learning algorithms and models performing efficiently to predict various crucial use cases, such as specifying whether a specific patient has fatal or benign cancer or any kinds of diseases based on the symptoms and the health records of the patient. It really has a great potential to uplift the society. But at the other end…. 

Every Coin Has Two Sides

The more the benefit this technological marvel has; the more dangerous is this technology to mankind. Previously we mentioned ASI, which at a certain stage has created its own ecosystem, it’s own internet that humans can no longer have control over. This seems quite illogical but it is going to be reality if we do not control it. The ASI can manipulate the societies which we could never think of. Today, many social media companies have used the ML in their business models such that it can benefit them at any costs. If we are unable to take control over it in future then it will be really a catastrophic failure in mankind’s history.


The wisdom of AI may be leading to Threat OR Great Technologies, it's on us how we use it.

"With great POWER comes great RESPONSIBILITY."

This technology holds a lot of potential in changing the lives of the common man in many ways and can also lead to immense success that we could never imagine. This is a new revolution that we’re going to witness. We are ready to dive into this revolution, are you?

Credits and References: Jiten Topiwala (FY Mechanical) & Abhijeet Waghchaure (FY Computer) -(Team Tech Tuesday)







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