Failures are the Stepping Stones to Success!

"Failure teaches you more than success"

Failure what does it mean? 

Failure is something that gives you a chance to reassess your goal and where you want to go.

Then how can be failure negative? 

Have you ever thought that every successful thing which is present in the world has also passed through failure once or even more than once.? Thomas Elva Edison who invented the bulb also failed almost 10000 times and at last got success 

What happens if he gets disappointed after his 10th attempt or 100th  and never tried? That thought is unexpected!

A quote he used to say that " Never get discouraged if you fail. Learn from it. Keep trying." he also said each unsuccessful attempt teaches him and inspires him to do better and the result is in front of us now.

The road to success is paved with failure, and the most successful people have usually failed multiple times in their climb to the top. It could be argued that achieving a high level of success is virtually impossible without some form of failure.

As we know, everyone is not born with a Silver spoon in his mouth,  one has to work hard and learn something at every moment of our life there is no substitute for hard work so truly said 

Swami Vivekanand said ' Be not afraid. Think not how many times you fail. Never mind. Time is infinite. Go forward; assert yourself again and again, and light must come.' 

So all negative things have something positive in them you just have to find positivity and then no one can stop you to taste the golden fruit of success.

Did you know that word words fail, END can be understood in different ways let's see

NO: New opportunity

FAIL: First Attempt at learning

END:- Effort Never Dies 

So failure is the first attempt at learning, learn from your failure go ahead the world is waiting for your success.

A cricketer who has never been out can never become a good batsman in the future. An Athlete, student, actor, and many more all have passed through the phase of failure. But what made them successful is their ability to learn from how they failed and what to improve. 

Become a person to learn something from failure because it teaches you more than success. As you find yourself failing in the future, do not get discouraged. Failure can be celebrated as just another paver installed on the road to success.

When you try, you learn. When you fail, you learn even more. Keep trying, and keep failing. You will soon become a very educated student of life. . Regrets don't provide opportunities. Failures do. Appreciate your opportunities, even if they're small. Make every step count. 

So attempt something new, even if you fail it doesn't matter because you are on a path to learn something new and remember "Something is far better than nothing".

Success and Failure are the wheels of your life cycle so to make a balance you have to pass through both phases.

Credits- Shivam Sharma, Team Inspirational Saturday


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