Where there’s a will……

Four entrepreneur friends finished a meeting late in the evening and got out on the chilly and windy New York city roads. They were getting late by the passing second, the night sky looming dull and grey, and even the roads were missing the usual traffic. And by saying the roads were empty, I mean to say that the roads lacked one of their most essential and common companions: taxis!

And that’s what these four friends noticed, and wondered how such an unusual event had taken place. Taxis and taxi drivers were a very usual sight in the metropolis even at unearthly hours, and their absence told our fellow observers that something wasn’t right. On further enquiry, they learnt that the taxi drivers were on a strike, something which had not happened for many years, at least not in the lifetime of our four friends. And this situation indeed put them into a very unexpected dilemma.

But this mild difficulty didn’t root the four on their spots. Instead, they put their entrepreneurship on the line, and started to contemplate. ‘What if somebody else had to stand on this footpath, as we are doing currently, without a taxi in view or in the absence of any remote chance of help? Who knows how safe the locality is, or the quality of hospitality offered by it?’

And believe it or not, the stranded four came up with a business plan on a mere footpath of New York City! The idea wasn’t born in a posh office, or in the study room of a great thinker, but on a footpath, where common people resolve their day to day issues. They decided that they would rent some taxis and their drivers to work for them, ensure that taxis were available to the public at all times of the day, and that too only a phone call away. And thus started the journey of one the most successful domestic transport app that exist as of today.

No rose is without thorns, no path is without obstacles. Similarly, every idea has to face opposition from the people for which it was conceived in the very first place. The entrepreneur friends faced the maximum opposition from the taxi drivers about this newfound scheme. They revolted, said that it was a constraint on their independence, demanded very high wages and even burnt and ruined the taxis that worked for this transport company. But even this didn’t stop the gritty and determined entrepreneurs. They tried until they reached their goal, but they reached the summit of their peak only after bearing huge losses, making some compromises and waiting patiently for the expected turnover. They didn’t stop believing, tried to make the most of every opportunity and most important, didn’t let their dream get out of their sight. 

If these four would’ve given up on that New York City public footpath itself, the world would’ve missed out on the Uber app, one of the most efficient and trustworthy domestic transport app!

Blog Credits: Omkar Pol (112110106 Team Inspirational Saturday)


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