Jantra-Mantra : An Astronomical Heritage of India.

 Jantra-Mantra : An Astronomical Heritage of India.



Jantra Mantra commanly know as jantar-mantar. Jantra means yantras or instruments and mantra means formulas.

Jantar Mantar is an astronomical observatory and equinoctial sundial that dates to the 18th century. A visit to this place will help you explore old-word astronomy and understand how people of bygone eras determined the time and discovered the location and movements of celestial bodies.


Fig: Jantar mantar, Delhi

It consists of 13 architectural astronomy instruments, built by Maharaja Jai Singh II of Jaipur, from 1724 onwards. as he was given by Mughal emperor Muhammad Shah the task of revising the calendar and astronomical tables. In fact, the king had established five observatories during his reign in the early 18th century and the one in Delhi was the first to be built among these five.

The other four observatories are in Jaipur, Varanasi, Ujjain, and Mathura.

The primary purpose of the observatory was to compile astronomical tables, and to predict the times and movements of the sun, moon and planets. Some of these purposes nowadays would be classified as astronomy.

King Sawai Jai Singh II

Jai Singh was born in 1688 at Amber in the region of Rajasthan that is now Jaipur. He ascended the throne when he was 12 years old, following the death of his father, Bishan Singh. The young king was bright, eager to learn, and socially and politically astute. Among his many later accomplishments, he founded the city of Jaipur which bears his name and was responsible for much of its design.

One must appreciate the culture in which Jai Singh lived. It is a culture that throughout its history has embraced the richness of sensory experience in its arts and sciences - exemplified in the precise and complex forms that developed in art, architecture, and music. Observation of natural phenomena, including the apparent movement of stars and planets became a part of the Hindu’s world view, and informed a myriad of life processes from agricultural practices to religious rituals, to personal decisions of when and who to marry.

By the 14th century, Indian astronomers had perfected the instrument and were producing individual models with fine craftsmanship and beautiful ornamentation. Jai Singh would have received his early instruction in astronomy using the astrolabe, and in fact one of the early instruments at his observatory in Jaipur is the Yantraraja, a great Astrolabe approximately 8 feet in height.


                         King Sawai Jai Singh
               Location of all Jantra Mantra in India 


Despite the importance of the astrolabe in astronomical calculations, Jai Singh noted that the tables that had been created earlier were often not in agreement with current observations. His own research suggested that the brass instruments that had been used to establish the earlier tables may have lost accuracy due to the wear of their moving parts. It was in part, in reaction to this problem, and through his own studies of geometric models, that Jai Singh conceived of an observatory with the stability and permanence of masonry, and the capacity for accuracy arising from large scale.

Modern scholars of Jai Singh and his astronomy suggest there may have been other factors that motivated him. In the political turbulence of his times, it may have suited both his need to maintain good standing with the seat of power in Delhi, and his need to maintain authority in his own region, to erect these monumental structures.


Jantar Mantar Architecture

The huge observatory contains several astronomical structures and instruments, all of which are built entirely of masonry. These instruments were built using brick, limestone, and rubble, and finally plastered. Another unique feature of Jantar Mantar, Delhi is that it is an outdoor observatory. All the instruments here are installed in the open rather than being enclosed within buildings or rooms.

Though the structures and instruments have stood the test of time, they did need a bit of repairing and restoring over the years.



Jantar Mantar sculptural structures inspired contemporary art and architecture. In 2008 Tatiana Bilbao designed the Observatory House in collaboration with the artist Gabriel Orozco, who visited Jantar Mantar astronomical observatory in 1996.


Structures inside the Jantar Mantar Complex

The Jantar Mantar observatory in Delhi comprises of 13 astronomical instruments of which four are primary devices. These are Samrat Yantra, the Jayaprakash Yantra, the Rama Yantra, and the Misra Yantra. Most of these instruments were designed by Maharaja Jai Singh II.

The Instruments

Samrat Yantra

Also known as the Supreme Instrument, it stands as the main structure inside the observatory. This structure is 70 feet in height, 114 feet in length at the base, and 10 feet thick. It is a giant triangle-shaped sundial with a hypotenuse that is 128 feet in length. This hypotenuse is placed parallel to the axis of the Earth and is pointed towards the North Pole. On either side of the triangle, a quadrant exists which has graduations that indicate the seconds, minutes, and hours.

The Samrat Yantra, sometimes called “Supreme Instrument” is an equinoctial sundial of enormous proportion.

Although one of the simpler instruments, and not too different from sundials which had been developed hundreds of years earlier, the Samrat Yantra is important because it measures time to a precision that had never been achieved.

The Samrat Yantra at Jaipur, for example, is capable of measuring time to an accuracy of two seconds.

                      Plan of the samrat yantra of Delhi 

How it works?

The essential parts of the Samrat Yantra are the gnomon, a triangular wall with its hypotenuse parallel to earth’s axis, and a pair of quadrants on either side, lying parallel to the plane of the equator. On a clear day, as the sun passes from east to west, the shadow of the gnomon falls on the scale of the quadrant, indicating local time. Since a sundial gives the exact time for its locality only, a formula to obtain standard time is used that compensates for the longitude difference between the instrument location and its time zone, and the daily adjustment that must be made due to the earth’s orbit around the sun.

                                                  Eastern Side of Samrat Yantra



Jayaprakash Yantra

The Jayaprakash consists of hollowed out hemispheres with markings on their concave surfaces. Crosswires were stretched between points on their rim. "Jai Prakash Yantra consists of two concave hemispherical structures used for ascertaining the position of the sun and other heavenly bodies. This instrument is an efficient dial, showing at any instant the local time, the sun's declination, and the sign of the zodiac." written on the plaque on the site.

The Jai Prakash may well be Jai Singh’s most elaborate and complex instrument. It is based on concepts dating to as early as 300 B.C. when the Greco-Babylonian astronomer Berosus is said to have made a hemispherical sundial.

Hemispherical dials also appear in European Church architecture during the Middle Ages, and at the observatory in Nanking, China in the late 13th-century. The Jai Prakash, however, is much more elaborate, complex, and versatile than any of its predecessors.

How it Works

The Jai Prakash is a bowl-shaped instrument, built partly above and partly below ground level, as can be seen in the drawing below. The diameter at the rim of the bowl is 17.5 feet for the Jaipur instrument, and 27 feet at Delhi. The interior surface is divided into segments, and recessed steps between the segments provide access for the observers. A taut crosswire, suspended at the level of the rim, holds a metal plate with circular opening directly over the center of the bowl. This plate serves as a sighting device for night observations and casts an easily identifiable shadow on the interior surface of the bowl for solar observation. The surfaces of the Jai Prakash are engraved with markings corresponding to an inverted view of both the azimuth-altitude, or horizon, and equatorial coordinate systems used to describe the position of celestial objects.



Fig : (Left) Plan of Jayaprakash Yantra and (Right) 3-D figure of Jayaprakash Yantra


Rama Yantra

This instrument has two large structures of cylindrical shapes with open tops. Both these two buildings form a complete device. These structures help to determine the altitude of the stars based on the longitude and latitude of the Earth. The pillar/post and walls are of equal height, which is also equal to the radius of the structure. The floor and interior surface of the walls are inscribed with scales indicating angles of altitude and azimuth. Rama Yantra was constructed at the Jaipur and Delhi observatories only.



The Rama Yantra is used to observe the position of any celestial object by aligning an object in the sky with both the top of the central pillar, and the point on the floor or wall that completes the alignment. In the daytime, the sun’s position is directly observed at the point where the shadow of the top of the pillar falls on the floor or wall. At night, an observer aligns the star or planet with the top of the pillar and interpolates the point on floor or wall that completes the alignment using a sighting guide.

The floor is constructed as a raised platform at chest height and is arranged in multiple sectors with open spaces between them. This provides a space for the observer to move about and comfortably sight upwards from the inscribed surface. The instrument is most accurate near the intersection of floor and wall, corresponding to an altitude of 45 degrees. Here, the markings are at their widest spacing, and give an accuracy of +/- 1’ of arc. For altitude readings greater than 45 degrees, the accuracy diminishes, and diminishes to +/- 1 degree near the base of the pillar.


Misra Yantras

It consists of five different instruments which are used to find out the longest and the shortest days of the year. These instruments are known as the Dakshinottara Bhitti, Samrat, Niyat Chakra, Karka Rasivalaya, and the Western Quadrant. The Misra Yantra is also effective for determining the exact noon time. It is believed to be the only instrument in the Jantar Mantar that was not invented by Maharaja Jai Singh II.

The Mishra yantras were able to indicate when it was noon in various cities all over the world.


Digmasa yantra

The Digamsa (Azimuth) Yantra, used for measuring the Azimuth of any celestial object. The design and function system of the Digamsa Yantra was relatively less complex than the Jai Prakash and Rama Yantras. The only purpose it was built was to provide accurate azimuthal readings to complement the Rama Yantra.

A Digamsa yantra, consisting of two cylindrical walls surrounding a central pillar, measures the angle of azimuth of a celestial body. Its central pillar as well as its walls are engraved in degrees and minutes at their top surfaces. Cross wires are stretched between the cardinal points marked over the outer wall. The observer uses one or more strings with one end tied to a knob on the pillar and the other end to stone pebbles suspended over the walls. With these strings, the observer defines a vertical plane containing the crosswire and the object in the sky. The angular distance of the vertical plane from the north point, read on the scales, indicates the azimuth of the body. It was developed by Jai Singh independently. Built only at Jaipur, Varanasi, and Ujjain.


Nadivalaya Yantra

Nadivalaya is an equinoctial sundial more analogous to the European sundials. It has two circular dials in the plane of the Equator - a North facing one and a South facing one.

Construction of the instrument:

Unlike usual sundials fall when Nadi Valaya Yantra (Yantra Nadivalaya Gola) - following - the following characteristics in mind: There is a double sundial - the small building has on both the front and on the back of a sundial. Only the northern disc dates from the time of Jai Singh, the southern slice of red sandstone and white marble was replaced by his grandson Maharaja Pratab Singh. The dial is Nadivalaya northern Uttar Gola, southern dial bears the name Nadivalaya Dakshin Gola. Both are exactly parallel to each other.



The faces of the dials are highly inclined. You are exactly perpendicular to the ramp of the neighboring Laghu Samrat Yantra. Critical to the operation is the integration of the geometry of the Clock in the geometry of the Earth:

The rod-shaped hands of both discs is exactly parallel to the ramp of the neighboring Laghu Samrat Yantra and shows exactly on the celestial north or south pole.

It is normal to the dials The dials are so inclined to be parallel to the ground and thus to the celestial equator are. This means that the disks are tilted by 27 ° from the vertical, ie exactly at the latitude of Jaipur. For such a width that is still feasible, but would have to do in Hamburg already considerable contortions in order to read the disc may lower.And last but not least: the transverse axis of the dials are of course parallel to the latitude in the east-west direction.

Nadivalaya Yantra, is a version of an equinoctial sun dial quite different from the design of the Samrat Yantra. The two circular plates that are facing the north and south and are parallel to the axis of the rotation of Earth. The movement of the shadow of these rods indicates the time. Jantar Mantar at Jaipur, built by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, is one of the largest stone observatories in the world.

How the NadiValaya Yantra works

If we take as a reference an area parallel to latitude but perpendicular to the surface of the earth at our location in the northern hemisphere, over the course of a year the sun is more beyond that area than on this side. But if the plane is parallel to the celestial equator and parallel to the degree of latitude, then the sun is on the other side of the plane in the winter half-year, but on this side of the plane in the summer half-year. This means that each of the two dials only gets light for half a year, we have a winter disc for the period from March 21 to September 22 for the phase of negative declination and a summer disc for the period from September 22 to September 21 March for the phase of positive declination.

At the equinoxes, i.e. twice a year, on March 21st and September 21st, the declination is 0°. If the sun moves exactly along the edge of the disc parallel to the celestial equator, we theoretically (see below) have a shadow on both discs. This is since the sun is not an infinitesimally small point, but due to its own extension (30 arc minutes in the sky) in relation to the thickness of the double sundial that day allows light to streak along both discs.

On these equinoxes we have the longest shadow of the gnomon because the light streaks flat. Conversely, we have the shortest shadow on the southern disc at the winter solstice and the shortest shadow on the northern disc at the summer solstice.

So, while the angle of the shadow corresponds to the position of the sun over the course of the day, the length of the shadow corresponds to the position of the sun over the course of a half year. In the form of concentric circles, one can now assign the individual signs of the zodiac in which the sun is located to the length of the shadow.

On the north side, the scale is divided into 24 segments of 1 hour each, with 12 at the top and bottom and 6 on the right and left. Each lesson is divided into 2, then further into 6 periods of 5 minutes each and further into 5 periods of 1 minute each. The scale on the south side follows this pattern on the outside. Another scale disc is engraved on the inside with an alternative division into 30 sections, the 1 is at the top and bottom, the 15 on the right and left, so we get 60 sections of 1 ghati each = 24 minutes = 60 palas. 1 pala is 24 seconds or 6 pranas. It follows that on the outer scale each degree equals 10 palas.


Daksinottara Bhitti Yantra

This instrument measures the altitude or the angular height of a celestial object, when it crosses the meridian.

Fig: Dakshinottara Bhitti Yantra

Construction of the instrument:

In a direct extension of the gnomon of the Samrat Yantra is the north Dakshino Bhitti Yantra (Yantra or Dakshinodak Bhitti), exactly in the north-south oriented. There is a small, two-story, narrow rectangular building, climb a roof terrace to a total of four flights, two of which can be arranged symmetrically. It is no longer at the original location but was transferred stone by stone. The decisive factor is the scale: On the west wall is a single, large, open top, semi-circular scale with pointer is in the middle of the top edge. Each of the above 0 degrees to 90 degrees on the scale is lower lows. Each Gard is once again in 10 sections to a paladin and then again divided into three sections, each 2 minutes. The stairs on the west wall in such a manner convenient to run along below the scale that can be easily read. On the eastern wall (in front of the drawing) are two quarter-circular scale (divided into 2 'sections) with two each at the upper end of the intersecting scales. The division of the scale is the same, it marks extend from 0 degrees to 90 degrees at the upper end at the lower end, each 10 degrees with a number, each level is only at 10 and then again divided into 3 sections. The two scales intersect at 60 degrees.

How the Dakshino Bhitti Yantra work:

The instrument is provided as the primary data only height values. Since the wall exactly north-south direction and is the pointer shadow is very short, the instrument must be used properly only at lunchtime, when the shadow is the longest. Then the shadow shows the height of the sun at high noon on the scale. You can use this instrument including summer and winter solstices and the achievement of the equinoxes, and thus also display the progress of the seasons.


Unnatamsha Yantra

Unnat: elevated, Amsa: division, degree of arc. Unnatamsa is an instrument for measuring altitude - the angular height of an object in the sky.

Fig: Unnatamsha Yantra

The large, graduated brass circle hung from the supporting beam is the measuring instrument of the Unnatamsa. The brass circle is pivoted to rotate freely around a vertical axis.


Kapali Yantra

Kapila Yantra is an instrument located in Jantar Mantar astronomical Museum in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The Kapali Yantra device is used for solving the astronomical problems graphically and to find out the Azimuth.

It consists of two sunken hemispheres (bowls). A map of the heavens is engraved on each bowl (a different map on each), showing the positions and motions of various heavenly bodies throughout the year.

Two wires (not visible in this photo) are arranged to cross above the surface of the bowl. The shadow of their intersection gives the position of the sun, projected onto the celestial map engraved in the bowl. This allows the observer to determine the position of the sun relative to the planets and zodiac at any time of the year, for use in horoscopy and other astronomical calculations.


Rashivalaya Yantras

The Rashivalaya instruments were mentioned earlier as examples of sundials. However, their orientation is unusual, since they do not point due north. This is a clue to their purpose, which is to calculate sidereal, rather than solar, time. The advantage of using sidereal coordinates is that they depend only on the annual orbit of the earth around the sun, not on the earth's daily rotation.

Sidereal time is measured relative to the ecliptic, the path of earth's orbit across the heavens. The ecliptic is divided into 12 parts for convenience, each part named after a constellation that is located there. The 12 constellations are called the "Zodiac".


Chakra yantra

The Chakra Yantra is the pair of upright metal circles in the photo. They stand between a pair of hemispheres (bowl shapes) lowered into the ground in front of and behind the metal circles. The pair of hemispheres is the Kapali Yantra, discussed on the next page.

As for the Chakra Yantra, it is an instrument for finding the right ascension and declination of a planet or other celestial body observed at night.

To understand these coordinates, it may help if you visualize the earth's lines of longitude and latitude projected up onto the sky, such that the north star corresponds to earth's north pole. Earthly latitude is the angular distance north or south of the equator, and earthly longitude is the angular distance around the polar axis as measured from any arbitrary starting point - in this case, the meridian of Jaipur.


Current Situation:

Our country India is having such rich history not only cultural but astronomical also. A history not based on assumptions but on shear calculations. In short, we say the discoveries before the discoveries.
The truth is that we have more fascinators for Jantar mantar from foreign countries than India itself. We must preserve these monuments and visit them, get inspire and add to the legacy of our great nation.

Fig: The photo of planetary system in Jantar mantar






Blog Credit:- Prajwal Kumbhar (Team Historic Wednesday)


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