Failure is another step of success


Wounded and weak. His fur bleached red from the blood. Hind legs screaming from pain and  uncertainty in his mind. The lion roars and readies himself again for yet another battle…


In the face of defeat the lion roars and beckons it to try him. Today I want to share the story of one such lion. A story about a time when he felt lost and felt the hands of defeat creeping in , slow and inevitable but found courage from the ones around him. Found courage to face his fear. A story of my oldest friend.


I was awake all night to prepare for an  exam we had on the next day.  The most dreaded subject in class twelfth: maths. This was just pre-board so there was very little pressure , but one such as myself always desires for a higher score even if the stakes are not as high.

I got to the exam hall half an early but it was still filled with students of all divisions trying to cram in just one last topic , memorise just one more formula to get ahead of the rest. I found a group of my friends and joined them in this last minute but very important cramming session. Discussing doubts and focusing mostly on the most important topics. But as we talked realised that there was someone missing. One of my best friend ,Krishna, was missing. I thought he was running late and thought nothing of it at the time. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

It was after the examination we heard that he was in a hospital. I wasted no time to visit him and when me and another friend of mine finally got to see him we found him with bandages covering his right arm and then he started crying.

Later he told us how he couldn’t find the motivation to do anything. That he felt like the world would do just fine even if he wasn’t in it. We knew that his parents never pressured him but he had always been foreshadowed by other in every field. Or so he thought.  He had seemed a little different for months , the exam was just his breaking point.

We didn’t know how to help him or what to say so we just stayed there with him. At the time we were all a little immature to really understand the pressure of expectations and more importantly how sometimes when people doubt their self and feel worthless. That feeling of being worthless that my friend completely pushed him to the point of breaking.


When it fire consumes it and all that’s left is smoke and ash, the Phoenix rises from the smoke and soars to heights unknown.


But in the months that followed something changed. Once he recovered he was more brighter, more positive and more motivated. I saw him change in just a few days, maybe the fact that he had finally done something for his insecurities changed something for him. Now he wasn’t living for his fears rather to face them.

And today when I see him, I see a lion who got back up from the lowest point in his life at the time and finally find the happiness we all deserve.

It’s not the fact that he thought himself to be lost is what I wanted to tell you with this story. It’s how he recovered from it all that truly matters. After all what life had thrown at him,  he got back up stronger than ever. It’s what inspired me and that’s what I want to share.


If , dear reader,  you have read the turmoil of my dear friend in its entirety then you may be wondering how he got back up. Fear not let me take you on a journey to tackle each and everyone of these problems. Let us talk about motivation shall we:




Are you watching closely?


Sometimes we don’t feel like doing anything and it seems that life is just going on monotonously and we are just crawling through it. It might not seem likely but everyone,  at some point feels their spirit drained and motivation gone. You either mess up whatever you are doing or just rage quit and just give up. But then how to get the motivation back.

It seems almost impossible to get back up when all seems lost. I know how it feels. And even if that feeling of demotivation might be different for everyone with different stakes and pressure that slowly drips on you and continues to drown you but the way to swim out of it is the same. It is to refrain from flapping your arms around , open your eyes and watch. Watch closely and you will find the answer is right there within your grasp you only have to see.

Well the answer is easy. Do what you do ; just stop. I didn’t say quit , mind you. But stop,  pause a moment take up something else. Get some snacks , watch a show you enjoy. Go out to your favourite  place to eat out. Order what you love and enjoy a nice meal with just yourself and your thoughts. Don’t let your mind be clouded with whatever activity you just quit because you couldn’t find the motivation. Live in this very moment and give yourself the love that you deserve.

And when you spend some time alone with your thoughts for about an hour or two you will find the energy that you thought had left you reignite in your heart. And the next time you do something you will find the motivation again.

Because sometimes doing something that you love not only gives you a well deserved break but also gives you the motivation to do more. You will be standing upright again despite the many failures you have faced. Like a lion.


Now that we are on the subject of motivation a lot of times we really want to do something but just don’t. We mistake it for a lack of motivation but I’ll be a little harsh here; It is just laziness. And a little discipline in life provides a lot of the motivation that you may not be aware of.  A healthy sleep cycle , good diet some light exercise or some kind of sport also gives you a lot of energy. No think about it, do you feel tired during a game against one of your friends even if you have been playing for hours? No right, it’s because at the moment you feel motivated to win while having a good time with your friend. And although you might feel physically tired after a match or two but your mind is rejuvenated by the activity.

A healthy lifestyle and social life is a major factor when it comes to feeling motivated. So when you are feeling demotivated don’t push away your friends and family rather let them in and talk to them. It releases a great burden from your shoulders. With this burden gone you will be ready and willing to take on the next challenge life throws at you with the strength you always had but could never find. You will be as strong as a lion.







I started with sharing a story about my best friend that I have not talked about since it happened. Now in college the pressure he felt may seem little and it is. At the time it always feels like the world depends on it , but looking back on it even Krishna just laughs it off. At the time you may feel you are alone and that if you talk people might judge but that’s not true. Because you are a lion.

So the next time darkness rears it’s head and reaches out with its tentacles to pull you under remember to roar and tell it;  Here be Lions.



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Blog by:
Pratik Kardile (FY EnTC 612207067) 
Team Inspirational Saturday


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